
Showing posts from 2008


Hi friends i was so amazed how people waited for a new year,many attended churches and others alcohol river beds.What fascinated me all two venues were filled with jubilation of all kind,what made me laugh to see drunkards crying.i visited my cousin to Nairobi where he stay,so scaring. am used living in near the grass and the ground,i coundnt sleep well due to height of the flats.Next time i ll try carry parachute,for my safety.happy new year 2009.


Fire that burns the intense of the heat the nature of rebellion the nature of brutality the sweetness of the fire the hope that last fire that burns mission that stands you must stand up walk the talk make a wise move dream forever, we must stand up let us be focus to achieve this dream that will save humanity from suffering let us stand up make sure AIDS is a past story compiled by mshale


MONEY can make you fight hard can make you lie can make you enjoy yourself can make you hide your emotions can make accomplish your mission money can make you achieve your dreams can make you marry soon can make you day dream can make you unleash your potential can make you poor and rich money can make you forget your past can make you leave your girlfriend can make you hide your face can make you smile forever can make you new friends can make you enemies compiled by mshale 2008


Drugs can lead someone to indulge himself in situation eg AIDS,Marriage break ups,STIs.LET us unite and encourage the world to fight drugs substance with zeal.reality will let us down if we dont stand up.why should we invest all resources in fighting HIV&AIDS,TB, malaria and we dont mind drugs which is a catalyst of AIDS.for example in my country young people start using drugs at around 12years.IF you read this articles please encourage other bloggers to talk about drugs menace. to be continued....


Sometime i wonder why we trust African government,shame on you.Donors must stand up and ensure that all resources given are accounted for.for example kenya government cannot account all resources given to fight AIDS &HIV so sad.That's why we ll never be able to achieve total war against problem facing Africa.Kenya government must be forced to repay all the money given to them by global funds(13b Kenyan money).what amaze mi even the president of Kenya he cannot stand up and dismiss the minister of health and Permanent secretary.Sometime i wonder why the goodwill of donors cannot be appreciated and be implemented aggresively on the ground.Those children who their parents died from AIDS,many of them they cannot attend primary education,secondary, college and access ART for those who are affected.shame on you donors,African government and those evil people who are corrupt.Donors must understand am disappointed with YOU GUYS because,you are not strict.THANKS FOR SUPPORTING AFRICA.K...

me and my Video Camera

am in love with my video camera,Every day i have to make sure that it has enough power,so that am able to film outreaches Everyday.To be honest with you guys appreciate this machine.Am the one in charge of camera and video machine in my group.What fascinate me,seeing how members of community participate fully on session everyday. Every outreach has its challenge but that doesn't stop me documenting everything that happens in outreach,some of the community members are scared to be filmed but i always Explain to them that my camera video love them most,and as a group it is important to review every outreach and improve on health issues. my great wish is to be taught how to come up with great documentaries and my machine to be baptized to a powerful video machine. a video machine that will film a great movie concerning what we go through outreaches.Also do video editing in our group.My inner most concern is to help some members of the community who are talented in singing,acting b...


Repacted Kenya Dreams are created,moulded to greatness Thanks so much for moulding me Broken,discouraged but you saved me You made me achieve alot Appreciate you,Everyday Walking with great men and women changing Africa forever Holding dear our society Through outreaches one in a million A life is changed forever No more pain walking every where seeing amazing reality people norms improve Every day Thanks so much donors for your support Africa love you Kenya most,Repacted Kenya compiled by mshale


Dreams walk the talk dreams amaze the world Dreams mould your personality Dreams conquer your pride Every day i try my best to inspire my friends and i.i do believe they is no greater dream than others.anything you desire just try your best and God will do the rest. welcome in my world.enjoy my friendship.